During complex events in Poltava, the SBU detained a man who wanted to create a pseudo-state entity on the territory of the regional center. Informs Freedom Matrix.
The attacker positioned himself as the leader of the so-called "democracy" and was engaged in the creation of fake "self-government" in the city.
The illegal institution was called the "council of the territorial society" and even ordered a seal for the pseudo-institution.

On his Facebook page, he called on citizens to join his “union” and create new “communities” for violent seizure of state power in Ukraine.

The defendant promised his “followers” “positions” in the fake institution.
In addition, in his own recorded video comments, he regularly repeated Kremlin narratives, in which he called the armed aggression of the Russian Federation a “civil war in Ukraine.” The attacker also publicly denied the current constitutional order of Ukraine. The forensic-linguistic examination initiated by the SBU confirmed the facts of the defendant's criminal actions. So far, he has been informed of suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: ▪️ h. 2 Art. 109 (actions aimed at forcibly changing or overthrowing the constitutional order or at seizing state power); ▪️ h. 3 art. 436-2 (justification, recognition as lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants). The court chose a measure of restraint for him in the form of detention without the right to bail.