Head of OMU, journalist, blogger, public figure
Public figure, participant in the fighting for the freedom of Ukraine.
Under any conditions conveys unbiased and objective information to its readers and viewers.
Began career as a blogger and independent journalist in July 2017. Field of activity: reports from the scene of events, street journalism, interviewing. Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. Since 2019, he has been running the author's program "Dmytro Gutman's street truth".

Journalist, blogger, photographer
Journalist, blogger, photographer.
Lives in Ukraine since 2005. Active participant of the Revolution of Dignity. A talented photographer, professionally engaged in sports. Field of activity: photo reporting, video reporting, blogging in social networks. Created and administered byFacebook page "Ukraine+Georgia".

Journalist, blogger, public figure
Lives in Zaporozhye. Active participant of Euromaidan, independent video blogger. Takes an active part in the formation of public opinion and the development of the civil patriotic movement. Field of activity: anti-corruption investigations, protection of citizens' rights, news video blogger.
Runs own channels on Youtube"Interesting Akim"and"Politician Ukraine".

Journalist, blogger, public figure
Since 1990, he has been actively engaged in public and political activities. In his articles and blogs, he openly shares his views on our present with readers. Field of activity: anti-corruption investigations, analysis of events, civil policy. They are still persecuted by the authorities for their anti-corruption and educational work as a journalist. Leadsown blog at vlogspot.com andsite.

Lawyer, public figure, media lawyer
Since 1988 he lives in Ukraine, since 2015 in Kyiv. Founder and manager of the law office. Has a clearly expressed Ukrainian political position. Field of activity: volunteer consultations in the field of media, lawyer in media law, lawyer in criminal, civil, economic cases. Leads ownblog on Facebook.

Public figure, member of ATO/OOS, volunteer
Moved from occupied Donetsk to Kyiv in 2014, engaged in volunteer and informational support of the volunteer battalion "Donbas". Field of activity: active public and human rights protection activity, leader of public opinion, social support of vulnerable groups of citizens.
Organizer and analyst of public information projects.