The rainy spring of this year brought excess water to Ukraine. In addition, many hydro facilities and systems were damaged by enemy shells. Rivers overflowed their banks and caused damage to many houses and farms. The flood did not bypass our capital either. Informs Freedom Matrix.
As the capital's military administration reported on Saturday morning, April 22, the water level in the Dnieper within Kyiv continues to decline and this process has slightly accelerated compared to yesterday's figures.
"As of 9:30 am, the water level in the Dnieper River in Kiev near the Metro Bridge is 9,308 cm. This figure is 16 cm less than yesterday. The drop in the water level in the Dnieper within the capital has continued since the beginning of the week. During these last days, the water level has dropped by almost 50 cm.
At the same time, the passage of the spring flood through the Kyiv HPP continues. And in the capital, the flooding of floodplain territories and low plots of garden and dacha development, household plots remains. Emergency flooding in Kyiv is not recorded.
According to preliminary forecasts of the Ukrhydrometeorological center, the peak of spring floods for the capital was expected today, April 22. However, while the flood level on the Dnieper within Kyiv does not pose a threat to industrial facilities and residential areas of the city.
Recall that the second wave of floods is predicted in Ukraine in late April - early May. More flooding is possible due to rain expected next week.