The Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) will now celebrate immovable holidays according to the New Julian calendar, which almost completely coincides with the Gregorian. Informs Freedom Matrix.
This decision was made on May 24 during a meeting of the Bishops' Council in the Refectory Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
"The New Julian calendar is the calendar that was created at the beginning of the twentieth century on the basis of modern research and was approved just 100 years ago," commented on the decision to introduce the New Julian calendar into the HCU, Metropolitan of Belotserkovsky, Deputy Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the OCU Evstratiy ( Dawn).
More than 40 bishops came to the cathedral from all over Ukraine. First, there was a general prayer and a prayer for the dead for the soldiers. Further discussion and agreement on the new calendar began.. On the eve, the clergy in their communities held a discussion on whether the parishioners of the OCU are ready to celebrate the holidays on other days.
When will Ukrainians celebrate important religious holidays according to this New Julian calendar?
Christmas - December 25 instead of January 7. Saint Nicholas Day - December 6 instead of December 19. Baptism - January 6 instead of January 19. Veil - October 1 instead of October 14 Nicholas - December 6 The changes do not apply to Easter and Trinity. You can find a complete list of new dates for religious holidays at this link .
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