his morning, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny posted on Telegram a video with a prayer for the liberation of Ukraine "Bless our decisive offensive!" Zaluzhny commented on this video with the words "The time has come for Ukraine to begin to return its own." Informs Freedom Matrix.
According to the message of the General Staff, as part of the information support campaign for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a spectacular video was released dedicated to the liberation of Ukraine from Russian invaders.
The authors were inspired to create the video by the Prayer of a Ukrainian nationalist written by Osip Mashchak in the 1920s almost 100 years ago.
"But the text here is completely different. This is a prayer for the liberation of Ukraine. With such words and thoughts, our heroic soldiers go on the offensive to liberate Ukraine from the Russian invaders and raise the Banner of Victory," the message says.
The General Staff also published the text of the prayer:
"Ukraine, native land-mother,
Lord, our heavenly father,
I'm going to destroy
enemies of the native land,
murderers of my brothers
the rapists of my sisters.
Let my hand be firm,
to kill enemies!
Let my eye be clear
to kill enemies!
Let my weapon be in good condition,
to kill enemies!
Let my will be steel,
to kill enemies!
Ukraine, native land-mother,
Lord, our heavenly father,
Our decisive attack!
Our holy revenge!
Our holy victory!
Join those who will raise the banner of our victory!
Join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!".
The video was created on a volunteer basis by Ukrainian companies and artists.